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See Jane Win

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A New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller

See Jane Win
The Rimm Report on How 1,000 Girls Became Successful Women
with Sara Rimm-Kaufman, Ph.D. and Ilonna Rimm, Ph.D.

Selected by the MS. Foundation as the official book of
Take Our Daughters to Work® Day 2000

Available in paperback

Order See Jane WinTM

Dr. Sylvia Rimm, a nationally noted child psychologist, presents the conclusions of an extensive survey she conducted with her daughters among over 1000 satisfied, successful women, exploring what they had in common in their upbringing and how parents can give their own daughters the same advantages.
Based on extensive original research, See Jane Win® provides invaluable advice for helping girls deal with issues such as middle school grade decline; math anxieties; eating disorders; social and academic insecurities; feelings of being different; self-esteem and competition; the career family balance; and the glass ceiling. Included are profiles (based on in-depth interviews of over 100 women) of women in disparate careers that illuminate the rewards and penalties of linear vs. delayed career patterns and show us the typical pathways for women in nontraditional and traditional fields, including medicine, science, law, business, education, politics, the arts, education, homemaking, and allied and mental health.
Despite the many victories of the women's movement, little girls are still given negative messages about their potential and prospects for their futures. Dr. Rimm shows parents how to combat those messages and give their daughters the confidence and skills they need to follow in the footsteps of the successful women surveyed.

See Jane Win® was a New York Times Bestseller and was featured on the Oprah Winfrey and Today shows and in People Magazine.

Dr. Sylvia Rimm is director of the Family Achievement Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, and a clinical professor at Case University School of Medicine. She has authored many articles and books including How to Parent So Children Will Learn, Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades-And What You Can Do About It, Raising Preschoolers, See Jane Win®, How Jane Won, See Jane Win® For Girls, and Rescuing the Emotional Lives of Overweight Children. Dr. Rimm also writes a parenting column syndicated nationally through Creators Syndicate.

Dr. Sara Rimm-Kaufman received her Ph.D. in developmental psychology from Harvard University and is presently a research associate at the University of Virginia. She, her husband, and two children live in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Dr. Ilonna Rimm received her M.D. and Ph.D. from Harvard Medical School. She trained as a pediatric oncologist and conducts clinical trials in the pharmaceutical industry. She, her husband, and three children live in Boston, Massachusetts.

Check out Dr. Rimm's other Web site at www.sylviarimm.com


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